The Blogger Recognition Award!!

“The Vagabond Dreamer!” has won the Blogger Recognition Award!! Yippee!

A big Thanks to Lucy from for nominating me for the Blogger Recognition Award. I would like to wish oodles of luck, lots of love and much power to you and salute to your strong will.

I would also like to thank this beautiful storyteller Estar from for nominating me for the same award on the same day as Lucy did (I couldn’t decide whom to tag, so thanking both!). Feels blessed to have received two of these!

Rules to the new Nominees:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  •  Give at least two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 10 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

How it all started?

I had been going through some real low times with extreme existential crisis when I quit my job due to some domestic reasons. Tried a number of things to cope up, but nothing really could be of good help. I had earlier written a few posts casually on random travel websites and received appreciation from my peers for the same. This gave me strength and I decided to start my own blog to share the experiences I have gained through my travels.

Thus, thevagabonddreamer came into existence in June 2017 and this has given me a new direction and I hope to grow this for the sake of love for travel and to inspire people to explore.

Advice to Bloggers:

  1. Write about something you love. Don’t start a blog just because everyone else is writing or choose a niche which attracts more readers. If you write with your heart, you will feel the contentment and readers will follow.
  2. Choose Quality over Quantity. Don’t write for the sake of writing. It is okay if you don’t post very often, don’t compromise the quality of your writing just to increase the number of post uploads.

I received a number of blog links on different groups for the nominations, tried reading a little from all of those and narrowed down to my favorite 10. I have nominated the following bloggers for the award-

  1. travelogueconnect

Being a traveler myself, I love genuine and happy travel bloggers! Aditi and Deepak; a lovely Indian couple travelling the world and inspiring me to travel more! I like Aditi’s casual writing style and hope to keep exploring the world just like them post getting married!

  1. amazingworldblog

Amazing work by an amazing blogger on amazing things and places of this amazing planet! Believing that the “World is a Family”, this Engineer Blogger looks at things from a different point of view and expresses how amazing little things are which we might fail to notice.

  1. peppermintandspinach

Chelsea is a Pastry chef and Nutrition + Herbal student. I expected her blog to be a regular food blog with a variety of “Low fat Treats”, but she surprised me! I love her content, very resourceful and healthy. Keep up the good work!

  1. usranaeem

This woman has opened her heart out in her blog and have beautifully expressed about stron emotions like Pain and depression! I also liked the beautiful decorative ideas she has shared in the blog.

  1. trendy2teen

Sara and Kaitlyn: Two teenage girls on a mission to explore the world and share their love for beauty and Make up. Although there isn’t a lot of content, but I love whatever they have written and this a thumbs up for their sincere effort!

  1. munazafathima

“Even the Sky must weep sometimes, or the roses would never bloom!” Says this lovely blogger in one of her posts, looking at things from a different perspective isn’t easy and expressing them in beautifully crafted words is a true art! More power to you Munaza!

  1. bigbravenomad

The Nomad family! Latham and Chaletta are the cutest nomads there can be. Little kids traveling with their Air Force officer Dad and a kick ass Blogger Mom! I love how you have made traveling with kids much simpler for your readers with all the tips.

  1. wipmom

It’s not easy being a Work in progress Mom, you learn things slowly about kids and sometimes it can get difficult, with the help of this blog, Malavika tries to make life a little easier for new Moms by penning down her experiences!

  1. letsdofarm

A blog on gardening by Karthick Sivaraj, that provides good insight of the subject in an interesting manner. When it can impress a non Gardening person like me, I am sure it could be of good information to those who love farming and gardening.

  1. blogwithgokul

This is a basic travelogue of this young lad Gokul, who pens down his experiences in simple language which makes it very readable and one can connect while going through his write-ups.

Kudos to all you guys! Congratulations… It’s your turn to do good now!

Good luck and Happy Blogging ahead! 🙂

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